Brauniger IQ-BASIC-GPS Operation Manual Download
This article is the result of a project to betterunderstand the functioning of my Brauniger IQ Comp GPS variometer. I've foundthat many functions of the vario are not fully explained in the standardBrauniger manual (specifically, the English version, 2003 edition), and somesections of the manual contain errors. This article is intended to describe, indetail, all the vario functions that are not fully and accurately explained in the manual.This article will also explore the advantages and disadvantages of using thevario's goal-related features such as the approach altimeter in variousreal-world situations. Despite the title of this article, it is not reallyintended to serve as a replacement for the standard Brauniger manual for thisvario: many features that are adequately explained in the manual are notexplored here. Readers will need to already have some familiarity with thevario, or have a copy of the standard Brauniger manual on hand, in order tofully benefit from these additional notes. The Brauniger manual for the IQ Comp GPS variometer may bedownloaded from Brauniger's website at
Readers seeking a deeper understanding will probablyget the greatest benefit from this article if they first download the standard Brauniger manual for thisvario, and then read Part Three of this article which is a list of commentsthat are keyed directly to the Brauniger manual (English version, 2003edition). This will shed some light onthe vario features that are incompletely or inaccurately covered in theBrauniger manual, and provide a good foundation for understanding the moredetailed discussions in the later parts of this article.